Vol. 44 No. 2 (2023): Formations of Feminist Strike

Cover image shows an illustration of bright blue figures holding hands while walking up a hill. The figure in front is holding a red flag with the symbol for "woman" on it (circle with cross beneath). The background behind the figures is bright yellow.
Co-Edited by Senka Neuman Stanivuković, Ksenia Robbe and Kylie Thomas

The cover image for this special issue represents a portion of an original poster expressing transnational feminist solidarity. The original is held at the NYU Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives in New York. The poster was created by artist Susan Shapiro in the United States in 1975 to celebrate the end of the Vietnam war, and is included as part of the DISA archive that focuses on the South African liberation struggle. The poster was issued by Inkworks, an activist press founded in Berkeley in 1974 that ran until 2016. Used with permission from the DISA Archive. https://disa.ukzn.ac.za/pos197500000430532065

The text on the original poster reads: We Celebrate Women's Struggles, We Celebrate People's Victories. "The mountain is only so high... Our capacity is without limit." The stars move; our will is unshakable! Inscription on the walls of a cell: Con Son Women's Prison, South Viet Nam (Liberated April 30 1975).

Publié-e: 2023-12-20

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