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Author Guidelines

1. Content:  Atlantis considers unpublished scholarly research articles, original literary work, reflections/commentary, and interviews. We welcome material on any interdisciplinary subject that relates to the critical study of women, gender, and social justice.

2. Submission windows: Most of our submissions are in response to a specific, themed Call for Papers. Please see the "Call for Papers" tab on our website. In March and April of each year, we welcome work that is related to our scope but is otherwise "unthemed" or "open."

3. Word count: Research articles must be no longer than 7,000 words, including references. Commentaries and interviews should be no longer than 2,000 words. See details for literary submissions below.

4. Style: Atlantis uses The Chicago Manual of Style for formatting and Chicago author-date format for in-text citations and Works Cited (bibliography). It is not necessary to follow this style when submitting. However, if a paper is accepted for publication, we will ask authors to revise their manuscript to Chicago author-date style.

5. Footnotes and endnotes. We do not use footnotes. We strongly discourage use of endnotes unless they are absolutely necessary. Please do not use the endnote insert function; anything created with formatting codes will be deleted when the document is converted for layout.

6. Metadata. For research articles, we require an abstract (approximately 200 words) and keywords (no more than 10). All submissions require an author bio (approximately 200 words).

7. Accessible language: Authors are encouraged to avoid overly technical language. Submissions should be understandable to scholars in related fields of study and to people working in related fields outside academia.

8. Anonymity. Research articles undergo anonymous, external peer review. It is very important that submissions do not include authors' names. Please remove all instances of the authors' names from the manuscript, the filename, and attribution in the "properties" of files.

9. Figures and images. Please upload images and figures as separate files. Ensure images are high resolution. Ensure that authors have permission to use any images (i.e. the images are in the public domain or authors have explicit permission to reproduce the images). Unfortunately, Atlantis does not have funds to pay for image permissions.

10. Questions. Contact with any questions.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published (other than as a preprint), nor is it before another journal for consideration. That is, the submission has NOT been simultaneously submitted to another journal.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF, of PDF document file format.
  • If submitting a research article, the instructions Ensuring an Anonymized Review have been followed. This includes removing all instances of the authors' names from the manuscript AND removing author attribution from the "properties" of files.
  • The authors understand that revisions may be requested prior to external peer review and/or following external peer review. A request for revisions does not, however, guarantee publication.
  • All author guidelines have been followed.
  • Authors are aware that Atlantis is accepting unthemed research submissions and literary work from MARCH 1, 2025, to APRIL 30, 2025 only. OUTSIDE THESE WINDOWS, WE WILL ONLY CONSIDER SUBMISSIONS TO OUR THEMED CALLS FOR PAPERS.

Original Research

Atlantis considers original, unpublished scholarly research in the field of critical studies in gender, culture and social justice. Articles must be 7,000 words or less (including references).

Review process:

Research papers are assessed by the following criteria:
• Originality/Contribution: Is the submission original? What is its contribution to the field?
• Argument: Does the submission build a strong, well-supported and well-articulated argument? Does it have a sharp and easy-to-discern focus?
• Structure/Organization: Is the organization and sequencing of sections effective and internally coherent? Is its conceptual framework explicit? Does it achieve its stated aims?
• Use of Sources and Methodology: Is the literature consulted relevant and up-to-date? If relevant, is the methodology clearly laid out and justified? Are the submission’s sources used effectively?
• Writing: Is the quality and style of writing appropriate for a scholarly research paper?

All submissions are first read by members of our Editorial Board and/or guest Editors. Editors may:
• Recommend the paper for external peer review.
• Request revisions prior to peer review (the Editors feel the paper has potential but is not ready for external review). The Editors will re-assess the paper after revisions are made and either send the paper for external review or reject the paper.
• Reject the paper as not suitable for Atlantis.

External review process:
• Papers approved for external peer review are sent to two scholars in relevant fields of study.
• External reviews are anonymous: authors do not know the names of reviewers; reviewers do not know the names of authors.
• Reviewers’ comments are collated and sent to authors with an editorial decision to:
◦ Accept the paper with minor/moderate revisions. This means the paper is accepted for publication but requires revisions. Authors must revise the paper and include a summary of changes that corresponds to reviewer feedback. Editors oversee these revisions. If revisions are not undertaken, Editors may reject the paper.
◦ Revise and resubmit. This means the paper requires extensive revisions and is not accepted for publication in the current form. Authors may choose to submit the paper to another journal; they are not obligated to resubmit to Atlantis. If re-submitting to Atlantis, authors must include a summary of changes that corresponds to reviewer feedback. Editors will consider the revised paper as a new submission. The paper will be sent for external peer review (often to the same reviewers who read the first version). Note that submissions to themed CFPs generally cannot be revised and resubmitted (and undergo a second round of peer review) as this would significantly delay publication of the issue.
◦ Reject. The paper is not suitable for Atlantis and should not be re-submitted.

Original Literary Work

Atlantis has a long history of publishing creative, literary work that is in line with the journal’s focus. Literary submissions should have a clear connection to gender and sexuality studies, feminism, and social justice but need not be written by a scholar in an academic position or institution. A wide variety of styles, genres, and forms are acceptable, and we are particularly interested in those that combine critical interests with creative approaches.

Poems must not exceed two pages; short stories and creative nonfiction must not exceed 3,000 words.

Literary submissions are reviewed by our Editorial Board on the basis of creative merit (originality, voice, form, technique) as well as relevance to Atlantis' scope. As of 2024, we pay $50 per author for accepted literary work. Please read literary work published in previous issues before submitting, for example, "One of My Thin Friends," (poetry, 2017) by Lukas Crawford; "Africa Wailin," (poetry, 2000) by Afua Cooper; "Khaki and Emerald Green," (fiction, 2020) by Nancy Taber.

Literary work may be submitted through our OJS platform or emailed to our Managing Editor: If your work is accepted for publication, please wait one calendar year before submitting new work.


Atlantis accepts submissions of interviews with individuals whose work relates to the field Women's and Gender Studies. For an example, please see, Toppled Monuments and Black Lives Matter: Race, Gender, and Decolonization in the Public Space. An Interview with Charmaine A. Nelson.

Interviews are reviewed by members of the Atlantis Editoral Board and/or Guest Editors. They are not usually sent for external peer review.

Reflections and Commentary

Atlantis welcomes reflections and commentary on the field of Women's and Gender Studies and its sub-fields. This may include reflections on recent events or conferences, commentary on trends and/or challenges in the field, discussion of the past and future of WGS and feminist publishing, and other topics.

Reflections and commentaries are reviewed by the Atlantis Editorial Board and/or Guest Editors. They are not sent for external peer review.

Word limit: 2000.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.