The Poetics and Politics of Interruption in the 2020-21 Belarus Uprising


  • Olia Sosnovskaya Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


exhaustion, interruption, care strike, 2020-21 protest in Belarus, choreographies of protest, rhythms of resistance


The paper addresses the notions of interruption and exhaustion in relation to the 2020–21 anti-governmental uprising in Belarus. It examines various forms of protesting, such as marches, neighbourhood gatherings and strikes from a feminist perspective. It focuses on the dynamics of visibility and opacity, social reproduction and politicization of mundane gestures, and on questioning the notion of revolutionary event and its temporalities.

Author Biography

  • Olia Sosnovskaya, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

    Olia Sosnovskaya is an artist and writer based in Vienna and Minsk. She works with text, performance, and visual arts around the notions of festivity, collective choreographies and politics. She is a member of the self-organized platform Work Hard! Play Hard! and the artistic-research group Problem Collective, and is currently a PhD-in-Practice Candidate at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


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