Post-National Foundation of Judith Butler’s and Rossi Braidotti’s Relational Subjectivity


  • Adam Burke Carmichael University of Victoria

Mots-clés :

nation, nationalism, borders, boundaries, affect, feminist theory, settler colonialism, indigenous politics


This article draws on examples of Indigenous conceptualizations of nationhood to question the post-national foundation of Judith Butler’s and Rossi Braidotti’s theories of affective subjectivity. The article concludes that the responsibility to respect certain political boundaries is necessary in fostering non-oppressive affective relations. 

Cet article s’appuie sur des exemples de conceptualisations autochtones de la notion de nation pour remettre en question le fondement post-national des théories de la subjectivité affective de Judith Butler et Rossi Braidotti. L’article conclut que la responsabilité de respecter certaines limites politiques est nécessaire pour favoriser des relations affectives non oppressives.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Adam Burke Carmichael, University of Victoria

Adam Carmichael is a Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science at the University of Victoria. His current research examines the intersecting histories of government policy towards Doukhobor settlers and Indigenous peoples in Canada with the aim of better understanding the fluid character of settler colonialism and working toward strategies for decolonization.


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