Training in the Gendered Labour Market: New Realities, Requirements, and Rewards for Canadian Women


  • Elizabeth Quinlan Elizabeth Quinlan received her doctoral degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Saskatchewan in 2004 and recently was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to study the knowledge management strategies of service providers in multi-disciplinary health care teams.


This study investigates the gender dimension of the dynamic relationship between training and other aspects of the reward structure of the labour market by using structural equation modelling to develop a causal model of women's training participation based on feminist theory. The model uses data from Statistics Canada's new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES). Résumé Cette étude examine la dimension de la relation dynamique entre la formation et les autres façons de récompenser du marché du travail, en se servant d'exemple modèle d'équation structurale pour développer au hasard un modèle de la participation des femmes à la formation basé sur la théorie féministe. Le modèle se sert des données de la nouvelle Enquête sur le milieu de travail et les employés (EMTE) de Statistiques Canada.






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