The Law, Women and Self-Defence


  • Shira Bernholtz Scarborough, Ontario


Self-defence has become a media story in the late 1980s. For its part, the women's movement has moved from the fields of Woodstock to the boardrooms and the courtrooms, thus changing the profile of women's concerns. This power and influence that women have acquired must be protected. Position i n decision-making is only one aspect of that power and influence; control over one's body, confidence, security and integrity is the other. Women have had to learn to repel attacks against themselves. Bearing i n mind that self-defence is not a new phenomena to our society, this paper provides background information on the laws and their application over the past 20 years, in an attempt to answer the question, "Are there any limits or guidelines on the use of self-defence by a woman against a male attacker?"






Original Research