Article: Narrowing the Gaps? Gender, Employment and Incomes on the Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, 1951-1996


  • Peter R. Sinclair


Newfoundland, Fisheries, Wages, Economic Conditions,


From a local economy based on an inshore fishery, the Bonavista Peninsula in the Canadian province of Newfoundland has beentransformed by the emergence of an industrial capitalist fishery. This area provides an excellent case study of women's experience in a process of development on the periphery of core capitalist societies. In the early period, few women were formally employed. Based on survey and qualitative data sources, this paper documents changes in the relative position of women with respect to employment and incomes. Although by 1996 women remained in a disadvantaged position in most respects, growing labour force participation meant that women's patterns were increasingly similar to men's. This increased participation was not marked by an equivalent closing of the gap in incomes, except among the young.


