Affecting Art and Theory: Shame, Pride and Creative Academic Performance


  • Jessica Joy Cameron Western University


Academia, Presentation, Performance, Art, Affect, Shame, Pride, Inter-Media, Research Methods, Psychoanalysis, Feminism


In this paper, the author explores their experience of integrating art-making into the academic conference presentation. This practice moves beyond the limitations of the traditional presentation by developing a dialogue between content and form. It is also productive in transgressing the norms of white, middle-class academic decorum and transforming shame into pride.

Dans cet article, l’auteure explore son expérience de l’intégration de la création artistique dans le cadre de la conférence universitaire. Cette pratique va au-delà des limitations de la présentation traditionnelle en engageant un dialogue entre le contenu et la forme. Elle est aussi productive de par sa transgression des normes du décorum universitaire bourgeois et blanc et sa transformation de la honte en fierté.

Author Biography

  • Jessica Joy Cameron, Western University

    Jessica Joy Cameron received her Ph.D. from York University in 2012 with a specialization in feminist theory and sexuality studies. She currently works as a lecturer in the Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research at Western University in London, Ontario.


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