Total Packages of Work: Women Living in Atlantic Canada Compared to the Rest of Canada


  • Martha MacDonald Martha MacDonald, Saint Mary's University, has research interests in gender and restructuring, particularly in a rural context, social security policy, and the implications of paid and unpaid work for women's health.
  • Shelley Phipps Shelley Phipps, Dalhousie University, conducts research on the health and well-being of Canadian children, women's paid/unpaid work and health, international social policy, poverty and inequality, and decision-making within families.
  • Lynn Lethbridge Lynn Lethbridge, Dalhousie University, focuses her research on child health and well-being, poverty and inequality and such gender-related issues as quality of care indicators for women with breast cancer.


Les femmes du Canada atlantique rapportent des heures de travail considérablement plus longues (rémunérées et non rémunérées) que leurs soeurs qui résident ailleurs au Canada. Nous étudions une variété d'explications possibles y compris les facteurs démographiques, économiques, sociaux/culturels et de politiques, qui mettent en évidence le besoin de recherche additionnelle sur cette question.


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