Duty, Passion and the (Re)Production of a Gendered Life: One Young Woman's Struggle to Craft a Meaningful Vocational Project


  • Janice Ahola-Sidaway Janice Ahola-Sidaway, University of Ottawa, has research interests focussed on school-work transitions and how everyday practices in welfare state organizations construct young single mothers' identities related to mothering, schooling and work.
  • Margaret McKinnon Margaret McKinnon, University of Regina, has research interests focussed on women, education and work, and how everyday practices in welfare state organizations construct young single mothers' identities related to mothering, schooling and work.


This longitudinal narrative case study traces one young woman's vocational journey from age 17 to 23. Drawing on youth transitions literature and feminist scholarship on the gendered division of labour, the paper considers how her journey was shaped by powerful ideologies linked to relational work, home-based production, and postsecondary schooling. Résumé Ce cas d'étude narratif longitudinal trace le parcours professionnel d'une jeune femme de l'âge de 17 ans à 23 ans. En se basant sur la littérature sur les phases de transitions de la jeunesse et sur l'érudition féministe sur la division du travail selon les sexes, cet article considère la façon dont sa trajectoire a été façonnée par des idéologies puissantes reliées au travail relationnel, la production au foyer et à l'éducation postsecondaire.


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