Transfixed in Lesbian Paradise


  • Trish Salah is a Montreal-based writer and teacher at Concordia and Bishop's University. Her writing has been widely published and her most recent work appears in the journals Drunken Boat and Canadian Theatre Review, and the collection, Sexing the Maple: A Canadian Source Book. Her first book of poetry, Wanting in Arabic, was published in 2002.


This narrative essay reflects upon experiences at the Toronto Women's Bathhouse to think about asymmetrical conditions of trans inclusion in lesbian erotic and cultural spaces. It queries the affective disjunctures between formal policies of trans-inclusion in women's spaces and "on the ground" interpersonal recognition of trans women as women and of trans men as men. Résumé Cet étude narrative se penche sur les expériences à la Women's Bathhouse de Toronto, pour penser aux conditions asymétriques de l'inclusion trans dans les sites culturels lesbiens érotiques. Elle questionne les disjonctions affectives entre les politiques formelles de l'inclusion trans dans les sites de femmes à raison de la reconnaissance inter personnelle de femmes trans en tant que femmes et d'hommes trans en tant qu'hommes.


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