Mothering in Medicine: Parenting Policies in Canadian Medical Education


  • Roetka Gradstein Dalhousie University, enjoyed teaching prior to studying medicine and was a medical student when she became a parent for the first time. She has a passion for supporting the role of women in their many and various roles.


In 2005, 59% of Canadian medical school students were female. The feminization of medicine has brought many changes to the field including the utilization and creation of policies in support of women who chose to become parents during their medical training. This paper explores the institutional atmosphere in support of student parents in medical school and residency training in Canada. Résumé En 2005, 59% des étudiants dans les école de médecine au Canada étaient des femmes. La feminisation de la medicine a apporté beaucoup de changements dans le domaine y compris l'utilisation et la creation de politiques pour appuyer les femmes qui ont choisi de devenir mère pendant leur formation en médecine. Cet article explore l'atmosphere institutionnelle pour l'appui des étudiantes parents qui sont en medicine et en stage de residence au Canada.


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