Beyond Aesthetics: A Femme Manifesto


  • Rhea Ashley Hoskin Queen's University
  • Katerina Hirschfeld Acadia University


This creative piece pushes the reader to think beyond femininity's articulation as a source of oppression to, instead, consider how it can be reframed as a form of resistance. 



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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Rhea Ashley Hoskin, Queen's University

Rhea Ashley Hoskin is a CGS-SSHRC doctoral student at Queen’s University in the Department of Sociology. Theorizing femme identities and systemic forms of feminine devaluation, her work focuses on perceived femininity and its impact on the experiences of marginalization and oppression among sexual and gender minorities. Within this framework, Rhea applies feminist and femme theory to the study of femme identities, femmephobia, social prejudices and the links between gender, gender expression, health and fitness. 

Katerina Hirschfeld, Acadia University

Katerina Hirschfeld is an incoming graduate student at Acadia University in the Department of English. Katerina’s proposed research examines temporal influences on the nature of queer autobiography. Her areas of interest include Femme Theory, Queer Theory, and interdisciplinary feminist approaches to understanding self-narratives.






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