Book Review: On their own: Women, urbanization, and the right to the city in South Africa


  • Yen Nee Wong London School of Economics and Political Science

Mots-clés :

Right to the City, South Africa, Urbanisation


The essay reviews Allison Goebal’s gendered analysis of women's 'right to the city' in post-apartheid South Africa and concludes that the work makes a crucial contribution to the scholarship in its injection of a 'politics of difference' and a gendered lens. The book would however benefit from expanding on its discussion of women's care burdens to explore the inclusion of care on African women's experience of justice in the city.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Yen Nee Wong, London School of Economics and Political Science

Yen Nee Wong is an MPhil candidate in the Gender Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research focuses on poverty, gender and socio-economic exclusion in relation to social protection strategies and labour markets. Her main research area is in South Africa.


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