How do real Indigenous forest dwellers live? Neoliberal conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez University of Alberta

Mots-clés :

indigeneity, intersectionality, neo-liberalism, environment


Protected areas such as wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and forest reserves have become an important feature of the global economy. Using an intersectional lens, a critical political economy approach, and document analysis, this paper explores how power operates through the production of Indigenous difference, the greening of the economy, and the commodification of the environment. It also considers neoliberal conservation as a racialized process that downloads the burden of protecting the environment onto the most vulnerable Indigenous communities. Résumé Les zones protégées telles que les refuges fauniques, les parcs nationaux et les réserves forestières sont devenues un élément important de l’économie mondiale. À l’aide d’une optique intersectionnelle, d’une approche d’économie politique critique et d’une analyse documentaire, cet article explore comment le pouvoir fonctionne au moyen de la création de la différence indigène, de l’écologisation de l’économie et de la marchandisation de l’environnement. Il considère également la conservation néo-libérale comme un processus racialisé qui transfère le fardeau de la protection de l’environnement aux communautés autochtones les plus vulnérables.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez, University of Alberta

Isabel Altamirano is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Alberta. Her recent book Indigenous Encounters with Neoliberalism. Place, Women and the Environment, examines the relationship between indigenetiy, neo-liberal governance, and gender and their impact on the environment in Canada and Mexico.


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