l'Evolution des Québécoises en période de luttes féminis


  • Huguette Dagenais Université Laval


The main factor responsible for the slow pace in social change for Quebec women is their absence from the administrative and decision-making levels of Quebec society. This situation is caused by the maintenance of the traditional division of labour in the household, the perpetuation of lower-level professional work ghettos for women, and the lack of responsible action from government in raising and educating children--all of which demand time-commitments from women and prevent them from willingly engaging in power-related jobs which have their own considerable demands for time and energy. A perceptive analysis will also detect other important factors excluding women from positions of power. Among these, for example, we find women's resistance to be viewed as exceptional when they succeed and thereby to be used as alibis for the status quo; women's reluctance to join men in perpetuating the patriarchal capitalistic power structure; and even psychological fears of taking risks and of shocking and alienating male relationships. Change will only occur when women adopt a "guerilla warfare" mentality, realizing that they are in a "Battle" from which they can emerge as. equals only by seizing every bit of power from within societal structures without, however, being co-opted by those structures. To realize this goal it is. important that each of us seizes opportunities in our own lives and workplaces, and that those already in positions of power regard themselves as instrumental "shock troops" for all their sisters.


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