The Oppositional Structure of Implicit Theories of Masculinity and Femininity, Identity, and Attitudes Toward Women


  • Terrance Percival University of Prince Edward Island
  • Elizabeth Percival University of Prince Edward Island


Implicit theories of masculinity and femininity were proposed to contain both oppositional and nonoppositional inferential relations between attributes. Across two studies, it was the oppositional attributes, i.e., power-dominance for males and deference-submissiveness for females, which as a part of a person's identity, correlated positively with oppositional belief, an identification with a sex-typed masculine or feminine identity, and a pattern of oppositional attitudes toward social equality for women. For the non-oppositional attributes, agency and empathy, the pattern of inter-correlation was in the reverse direction to that of the oppositional attributes indicating a transcendence of oppositional belief structure and support for social equality for women.






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