#Intersectionality: The Fourth Wave Feminist Twitter Community


  • Tegan Zimmerman Okanagan College

Mots-clés :

Intersectionality, Twitter, Fourth Wave Feminism


This article analyzes the term “intersectionality” as defined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in relation to the digital turn: it argues that intersectionality is the dominant framework being employed by fourth wave feminists and that is most apparent on social media, especially on Twitter. Résumé Cet article analyse le terme « intersectionnalité » tel que défini par Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw en liaison avec le virage numérique : il affirme que l’intersectionnalité est le cadre dominant employé par les féministes de la quatrième vague et que cela est surtout évident sur les réseaux sociaux, en particulier sur Twitter.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tegan Zimmerman, Okanagan College

Tegan Zimmerman (PhD, Comparative Literature, University of Alberta; MA, Philosophy, University of Calgary; MA, Creative Writing, University of East Anglia; BAH, English, Acadia University) will be College Professor of Women’s Studies at Okanagan College for the following 2015-2016 academic year. Zimmerman is also the Canadian Liaison for the Comparative Gender Studies Committee (an official committee of the International Comparative Literature Association).


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