Margaret Conrad: The Making of a Political Historian and Commentator


  • Gail Campbell GAIL CAMPBELL is Professor of History at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) and Chair of the Editorial Board of Acadiensis. Like M arg, she was trained as a political historian, and, like Marg, she remains, at base, a political historian in every sense of the term. They have been colleagues at UNB for the past seven years.


Margaret Conrad started out as a political historian; her first major work was a political biography. Yet even her earliest work was non-traditional and innovative. Her dynamism and engagement with political history make her one of Canada's most distinguished historians, astute commentators and thoughtful critics of current Canadian politics. Résumé Margaret Conrad débuta comme historienne politique; son premier travail important était une biographie politique. Même là, son tout premier travail au début de sa carrière était n on -traditionnel et in n ovateu r. Son dynamisme et son engagement en histoire politique en font une des historiennes les plus distinguées, commentatrices bien avisées, et critiques réfléchies des politiques canadiennes courantes.


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