Enhancing Women's Graduate Education: Workshopping Women's Socialization to the Academic Profession


  • Suzanne Sheffield Dalhousie University, promotes and encourages graduate students' teaching development via the Centre for Learning and Teaching. She has taught history and is an author. Her current research interests are in the field of higher education and include science education, first-year students' transition to university, women in academe, and the professional development of graduate students.


This article outlines the impact of a professional development workshop, Women in Academe, arguing that it offers a first step in addressing a crucial gap in graduate students' education. Workshop participants' feedback confirms the usefulness of providing opportunities for discussion and strategizing to enhance women's career success in the academy. Résumé Cet article souligne l’impact d’un atelier de perfectionnement professionnel, "Women in Academe," qui soutient qu’il offre un premier pas vers la résolution de l’écart crucial entre l’éducation des étudiantes du deuxième et du troisième cycle. La rétroaction des participantes à l’atelier confirme qu’il était utile d’offrir des occasions pour la discussion et de faire le stratagème pour promouvoir le succès de carrière des femmes dans l’académie.


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