The Mother Country: Tracing Intersections of Motherhood and the National Story in Recent Canadian Historiography


  • Kim Anderson Kim Anderson is the author of A Recognition of Being: Reconstructing Native Womanhood, and co-edited, with Bonita Lawrence, Strong Women Stories: Native Vision and Community Survival, with whom she also co-edited a special topic issue of Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal (29.2, Spring 2005), entitled Indigenous Women: The State of Our Nations, which is available for free download at


This is an historiography involving books that address motherhood in Canada, with a focus on how these works demonstrate tensions related to gender, sexuality, class, race and ethnicity in the formation of the nation. The author traces her argument through approximately twenty-five books that have been written over the last thirty years. Résumé Cet article est une historiographie de livres sur la maternalité au Canada, qui se centre sur les façons dont ces ouvrages démontrent les tensions reliées au genre, à la sexualité, à la classe sociale, à la race, à l’ethnicité dans la façonnage de la nation. Cette auteure trace son argument par l’entremise d’approximativement vingt-cinq livres qui furent écrits au cours des trente dernières années.


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