Troubling Origins: Cyborg Politics in Larissa Lai's <em>Salt Fish Girl</em>


  • Sharlee Reimer Completing her PhD at McMaster University. Her dissertation will consider the impact of gender on the conception of nation and other geopolitical configurations as they relate to community building in Canadian literature.


This paper argues that Salt Fish Girl moves beyond questioning the concept of origins to suggesting that the concept itself — and the Enlightenment discourses that support racist, sexist, homophobic, and other marginalizing practices upon which the concept of origins is predicated — no longer makes sense, and that the novelist is arguing for locating connection through shared experiences. Résumé Cet article fait valoir que Salt Fish Girl va au-delà de questionner le concept des origines pour suggérer que le concept luimême — et les discours de Lumière qui supportent le racisme, le sexisme, l’homophobie, et autres pratiques qui marginalisent, sur lesquelles le concept des origines est basé — n’a plus de sens, et que la romancière milite pour trouver des connexions par l’entremises d’expériences partagées.


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