Paid and Unpaid Housework and Social Inequality in Germany


  • Claudia Gather Berlin School of Economics

Mots-clés :

Employment (Economic theory), Labor supply, Paid domestic labor, Women - West Germany


En ce qui concerne la division entre le travail rémunéré et le travail non rémunéré, il y a quelques différences en Allemagne entre l'Est et l'Ouest. Les données sur la participation de la main-d'oeuvre et le revenu, et le travail domestique soulignent ces différences. L'embauche de domestique est discutée sous l'aspect de l'inégalité entre les femmes.


Chargement des statistiques…

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Claudia Gather, Berlin School of Economics

Claudia Gather is visiting professor at the Harriet Taylor Mill Institut of the FHW (Berlin School of Economics). Formerly she taught sociology and Sociology of Gender at the Technical University of Berlin, the Free University of Berlin, as a visiting professor at the University of Florida and at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. She is one of the founders of the commercial CenterWeiberWirtschaft, the largest commercial complex in the Federal Republic of Germany for businesses started and run by women and she is an editor of the interdisciplinary feminist journal FeninistischeStudien. Her major fields of research and publication are gender and the division of work, women's work and paid informal work in private households.


