Let Them Howl: The Operation of Imperial Subjectivity and the Politics of Race in One Feminist Organization


  • Ruth Magaly San Martin O.I.S.E., University of Toronto
  • Lisa Barnoff Ryerson University

Mots-clés :

Mass Media, Racism, Social clubs


Cet article explore comment le legs de l'historique impérial dans le féminisme dominant blanc est enraciné au détriment des organismes féministes populaires. L'analyse est basée sur la lutte axée sur l'anti-racisme qui prit place dans un organisme féministe à Nellie's de Toronto, en Ontario.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Ruth Magaly San Martin, O.I.S.E., University of Toronto

R. Magaly San Martin is a doctoral candidate in the Sociology and Equity Studies in the Education Department at O.I.S.E., University of Toronto, Ontario. She is presently working on her thesis which examines how processes of globalization are deployed through public space, in particular sites like the school. Her research interests include feminist epistemology, postcolonial theory, and the history and politics of Latin America.

Lisa Barnoff, Ryerson University

Lisa Barnoff is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario. Her doctoral research explored questions related to implementing anti-oppression frameworks within feminist community based social service agencies in Toronto, and she continues to focus on these issues in her current research. Lisa's teaching areas include social work theory and practice, sexual diversity, and violence against women.






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