Porn Empowerment: Negotiating Sex Work and Third Wave Feminism


  • Nina K. Martin Emory University, Georgia, has written on the relationship between hard-core pornography, comedy, and feminism for Peter Lehman's edited volume Pornography: Film and Culture, and her book Sexy Thrills: Undressing the Erotic Thriller, which examines the relationship between soft-core pornography, sex work, and feminism, is forthcoming.


This article examines the ubiquitousness of sexy female bodies in popular culture, and assesses what impact the mainstreaming of porn and sex work has on feminism and female empowerment, exploring the ironic tension between the feminist struggle to freely express oneself sexually through sex work and its co-optation and selling by pop culture to young women as a sexy, empowered lifestyle choice. Résumé Cet article examine l'omniprésence des corps de femmes sexy dans la culture populaire, et évalue l'impact qu'ont l'intégration de la porno et de l'industrie du sexe sur le féminisme et l'émancipation de la femme, en explorant la tension ironique entre la lutte féministe pour pouvoir s'exprimer sexuellement librement par l'entremise de l'industrie du sexe et sa cooptation, et sa vente par la culture populaire aux jeunes femmes comme étant un choix de style de vie sexy, émancipé.






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