International Female Migration to Atlantic Canada through Internet Mediated MatchMaking Agencies


  • Susan M. Brigham Susan M. Brigham, Mount Saint Vincent University, has research interests that include migrant women's experiences, diversity issues in lifelong learning, international/ intercultural education, and critical feminist pedagogy.
  • Catherine Baillie Abidi Catherine Baillie Abidi works with the International Red Cross in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her research interests include immigrant and refugee issues and conflict-related humanitarian issues.


In this paper we draw on post-colonial feminism in order to analyze the complex ways in which gender, race, class, nationality, and education affect women who have migrated to Atlantic Canada via the international Internet matchmaking industry. We discuss power which is a recurring theme identified in the data. Résumé Dans cet article, nous nous fondons sur le féminisme post-colonial afin d’analyser les façons complexes par lesquelles le genre, la race, la classe, la nationalité et l’éducation affectent les femmes qui ont émigré au Canada Atlantique par le biais de l’industrie d’entremetteur internationale par internet. Nous discutons du pouvoir, qui est un thème récurrent identifié dans les données.






Original Research