Past the Parapets of Patriarchy? Women, the Star System, and the Built Environment


  • Cynthia Hammond Cynthia Hammond, Concordia University, has received awards for her writing on the roles played by such women as Florence Nightingale and Catherine Bauer Wurster in the development of institutional and modern architecture, showing how their production was embedded within larger questions of nation, colonialism, and gender. She holds a three-year, Emerging Scholar award (FQRSC) for the study of Montreal's public, modernist buildings and spaces.


Twenty years after architect Denise Scott Brown challenged the patriarchal exclusion of women from the "star system," what is the status of women in architecture today? Drawing examples from architectural history, recent statistics and current initiatives, the author identifies some of the lingering problems of sexism in architecture, and explores some of the women leaders shaping architectural futures. Résumé Vingt ans après que l’architecte Denise Scott défiait l’exclusion patriarcale des femmes du ‘système d’étoiles’, quel est le statut des femmes en architecture aujourd’hui? En se servant d’exemples dans l’histoire de l’architecture, des statistiques récentes et des initiatives courantes, l’auteure identifie certains des problèmes de sexisme qui persistent en architecture, et explore ce que font certaines femmes qui sont des leaders qui façonnent le futur architectural.






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