Calculating the Value of Unpaid Labour in South Africa


  • Debbie Budlender Community Agency for Social Enquiry
  • Ann Lisbet Brathaug Statistics Norway


Time management surveys, Gross domestic product, Economic impact


This paper tests the feasibility of using various suggested approaches to valuation of unpaid labour using data from South Africa's first national time use study. Four different input-based approaches are compared. The paper also looks at the impact of using different data sources, and different methods of calculating time spent on unpaid labour.

Author Biographies

  • Debbie Budlender, Community Agency for Social Enquiry
    Debbie Budlender is employed by the Community Agency for Social Enquiry, a South African nongovernmental organisation specialising in social policy research. From 1997 through 2001 she was seconded on a part-time basis to Statistics South Africa. While working for Statistics South Africa she coordinated the first national time use study in the country.
  • Ann Lisbet Brathaug, Statistics Norway
    Ann Lisbet Brathaug is an economist and Head of Division for National Accounts in Statistics Norway.


