The Challenges of a "Multicultural" Classroom: Some Reflections


  • Tania Das Gupta York University - Department of Equity Studies/Sociology


The author reflects on small group work in classes and common challenges encountered in terms of "differences" and "power." She suggests that these challenges may be a product of state multiculturalism discourse and resultant identities. Another dimension of social experience, disability, is also touched on.


L'auteure é met une ré flexion sur le travail en petits groupes dans les salles de classe, ainsi que les défis auxquels elle fait face en ce qui a trait aux "différences" et au "pouvoir". Elle suggère que ces défis sont peut-être le produit d'un discours sur l'état du multiculturalisme et des identités qui en découlent. On aborde aussi une autre dimension portant sur l'expérience sociale et l'invalidité.


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Author Biography

Tania Das Gupta, York University - Department of Equity Studies/Sociology

Tania Das Gupta is Professor at York University in the Departments of Equity Studies and Sociology. Her scholarship focuses on the following areas: race, gender and class; immigrant women; South Asian diaspora; workplace racism and anti-racism; immigration and transnationalism. Her most recent book is Real Nurses and Others: Racism in Nursing (Fernwood Publishing, 2009


