Post Trauma: Medicalization and Damage to Social Reform


  • Marie Lovrod University of Saskatchewan
  • Lynda Ross Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Athabasca University


While posttraumatic stress disorder has catalogued symptoms of trauma, the resulting de-contextualization has served to create complicity with power systems that contribute to the production of trauma. Women are overrepresented as targets of violence and as recipients of this diagnosis. Résumé Alors que les symptômes traumatiques ont été catalogué s par le trouble de stress post traumatique, la dé contextualisation qui en a résulté a permis de cré er une complicité entre les systèmes de pouvoir qui contribuent à la production du traumatisme. Les femmes sont surreprésentées comme cibles de violence et comme destinataires de ce diagnostique

Author Biographies

  • Marie Lovrod, University of Saskatchewan
    Marie Lovrod, Assistant Professor of English and Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Saskatchewan, completed her PhD in Autobiography and Feminist Theory at the University of Calgary and is working on representations of trauma and resiliency in childhood and youth, with emphasis on their political functions in a range of contexts.
  • Lynda Ross, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Athabasca University
    Lynda R. Ross, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Athabasca University, also coordinates the University Certificate in Counselling Women program. She graduated with a doctoral degree in Psychology from the University of New Brunswick in 1998. Her research interests centre on the construction of theory and "disorder," attachment, and motherhood.


