Complexity Theory and Ecofeminism: Looking At a Coalition


  • Sharon Woodill Sharon Woodill, during her undergraduate studies of jazz, began working with complexity theory as an analytical tool for examining the development of jazz musicians in communities of practice. During her graduate studies, she examined the conceptualization of domination in ecofeminist discourse and the uptake of complexity theory in such a context. Currently in an Interdisciplinary PhD program at Dalhousie University, she is concerned with the potential of complexity theory for cross-paradigm communication in the context of epistemic discrepancies between science and religion.


Complexity theory may provide a helpful conceptual toolbox for understanding interpenetrated social and material systems of oppression as posited by ecofeminism; however, successful coalition demands careful consideration of the epistemic implication of complexity theory. Curdled logic can facilitate the epistemic move from monism to plurality that such a coalition would require. Résumé La théorie de la complexité offrirait une boîte à outils conceptuelle utile pour comprendre les systèmes sociaux et matériaux impénétrables de l'oppression tels que présentés par l'éco-féminisme; toutefois, une coalition fructueuse demande une considération de l'inclusion épistémique de la théorie de la complexité. La logique tordue peut faciliter le mouvement épistémique du monisme à la pluralité que ce genre de coalition demanderait.


