Disciplined or Punished? The Future of Graduate Education in Women's Studies


  • Pamela L. Caughie Loyola University, Chicago, is the author of several books and articles. Her research and teaching interests include twentieth-century literature and theory, especially postmodernist and feminist theories.
  • Jennifer A. Parks Loyola University, Chicago, is the author of several books and articles. Her research and teaching interests include health care ethics (with a special interest in reproductive technologies), feminist theory (with a focus on feminist ethics), and social philosophy.


This article considers the ways in which graduate programs in women's studies and the students in those programs are challenged by the still-present emphasis on disciplinary training. It discusses some methodological, ethical, and programmatic questions associated with running graduate programs in women's studies, and some practical recommendations in response, ones that resist making a choice between either sustaining or abandoning women's studies programming. Résumé Cet article considère les façons dont les programmes d’études des femmes du deuxième cycle et les défis que doivent relever les étudiantes de ces programmes qui continuent à mettre l’accent sur la formation disciplinaire. Il discute de certaines questions méthodologiques, éthiques, et programmatoires associées avec l’administration des programmes d’études des femmes, et de certaines recommendations pratiques en réponse, celles qui résistent de faire un choix entre soutenir ou abandonner la programmation d’études des femmes.


