Masculine Trans-formations in Jackie Kay's Trumpet


  • Mandy Koolen Southampton Solent University, England, is a trans ally who is invested in exploring the ability of literature to inspire empathetic identifications with transsexual, transgender, and queer people. She has published in <em>Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal</em>, <em>Contemporary Literature</em>, <em>LGBTQ America Today</em>, and the <em>Encyclopedia of Contemporary LGBTQ Literature of the United States</em>.


Jackie Kay's novel Trumpet shows that transphobic beliefs may negatively affect not only trans-people but also cis-people. Trumpet explores the sex/gender transformations that all people experience and suggests that persecutions of trans-people may work to distract cis-people from their own ultimate inability to fully embody gender ideals. Résumé Le roman Trumpet par Jackie Kay montre que les croyances trans — phobiques peuvent affecter de façon négative non seulement les personnes trans mais aussi les personnes cis. Trumpet explore les transformations de sexes/genres dont toutes les personnes font l’expérience et suggère que les persécutions des personnes trans pourraient s’avérer à distraire les personnes cis de leur propre ultime inhabilité d’accepter entièrement les idéals des hommes et des femmes.






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