Current Issue

About the cover image:
Imagining Futures of Care is a digital mural created as part of the research project Fostering Dialogues, an arts-based action research project imagining futures of community-based care with homecare personal support workers (PSWs) and LGBTQ older adults. This project explored the potential of arts-based engagement to create connections among LGBTQ older adults and PSWs and inspire imaginings about futures of community-based care. The intention of the mural, composed of multiple layers of participants’ art works, is to highlight shared and distinct realities that LGBTQ older adults and PSWs face and to inspire collective conversation. The mural image was facilitated by social artist Melanie Schambach and the project was co-led with Celeste Pang and Brittany Jakubiec at Egale Canada, with funding from a CIHR Catalyst Grant.