Doing Feminist Biblical Criticism in a Women's Studies Context


  • Pamela Milne University of Windsor


Can academic feminist biblical studies courses have a valid place within women's studies? This article examines how such courses, once housed in a religious studies program, have been refocused to equip women's studies students with analytical skills and to serve major themes in a women's studies curriculum.


Les études universitaires bibliques féministes peuvent-elles occuper une place valable au sein des études sur les femmes? Cet article examine comment ce genre de cours, autrefois inclus dans les programmes d'études théologiques, a été repensé afin d'inculquer aux étudiant-e-s en études sur les femmes, des compétences analytiques, et afin de servir les thèmes majeurs dans le cadre du curriculum d’études sur les femmes.

Author Biography

  • Pamela Milne, University of Windsor
    Pamela J. Milne, University of Windsor, teaches and conducts feminist research in the field of Hebrew bible in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and in the Women’s Studies program. She is also an activist and has published in the area of employment equity.


