Towards an "Invested Empirical Method": Reclaiming Feminist Science Studies


  • Krista Scott-Dixon manages the Gender and Work Database project at York University. Her first book, Doing IT, explores the experiences of women working in information technology, and her second book, Trans/Forming Feminisms: Transfeminist Voices Speak Out, explores the intersections between trans and feminist ideas and activism.


This article summarizes some of the contributions of feminist science scholars in order to explore the possibilities of a critical science of sex, gender, and sexuality, and suggests the radical possibilities of "invested empirical research methods" - investigative approaches grounded in both scientific method and an interest in social justice. Résumé Cet article fait le sommaire de certaines contributions de spécialistes de la science féministe afin d'explorer les possibilités d'une science critique sur le sexe, sur le genre et la sexualité, et suggère les possibilités radicales des « méthodes de recherches empiriques investies » - rechercher des approches basées sur la méthode scientifique et sur un intérêt pour la justice sociale.






Original Research