#MeToo in the Global South

Reflections on a Viral Movement


  • Iqra Shagufta Cheema Graceland University
  • Jennifer Jill Fellows Douglas College

Author Biographies

  • Iqra Shagufta Cheema, Graceland University

    Iqra Shagufta Cheema is an assistant professor in Humanities at Graceland University, Iowa. She is the editor of The Other #MeToos (Oxford University Press 2023) and co-author of ReFocus: The Films of Annemarie Jacir (Edinburgh University Press 2023).

  • Jennifer Jill Fellows, Douglas College

    Jennifer Jill Fellows is a faculty member in the philosophy department at Douglas College.  She is also the producer and host of the feminist tech podcast Cyborg Goddess. Dr. Fellows research has appeared in both traditional academic formats and as works of public philosophy. In 2022, she co-edited a collection of essays examining technology through an intersectional feminist lens entitled Gender, Sex and Tech!: An Intersectional Feminist Guide published by Canadian Scholars Women's Press. Her public philosophy has appeared in a variety of places, most notably she has co-created a radio documentary for CBC Ideas entitled A Harem of Computers: The History of the Feminized Machine. Her particular research interests are in philosophy of science and technology, social epistemology, and practical ethics. When not working on philosophy, she enjoys hiking, camping and playing three-chord songs on her guitar . . . badly.


