Lands and Bodies: Disrupting Colonial Biases through Methodology


  • Ellen Ahlness Education Maksad


decentering theory, decolonization, holism, qualitative methodology


A review of Pollution is Colonialism (2021) by Max Libroiron.

Author Biography

  • Ellen Ahlness, Education Maksad

    Ellen Ahlness is a Race and Gender writer for Education Maksad and an Arctic Studies researcher. Her scholarship centers on examining Arctic Indigenous activism and political organization resulting from health and livelihood challenges presented by an increasingly warming Far North. Her current work has shifted to emphasize the impact of technologies on health—particularly across race and gender lines—in formal organizational settings. Her work can also be found in Ecologia Politica, World History Connected, and Managing Multicultural Scandinavia.


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Tian, Xuelin, Chunjiang An, Zhikun Chen, and Zhiqiang Tian. 2012. “Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Urban Transportation and Air Quality in Canada.” Science of the Total Environment 765,(1): 144270.


