Pandemic Pause: A Break from Sexual Harassment. The Safe Space of Virtual Conferences.


  • Rohini Bannerjee Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.


academia, Covid, conferences, pandemic, safe spaces, sexual harassment

Author Biography

  • Rohini Bannerjee, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada.

    Dr. Rohini Bannerjee (she.her.elle), born and raised in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, daughter of immigrants from Himachal Pradesh, India, is an Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies in the Department of Modern Languages & Classics, Graduate Coordinator of the International Development Studies program and a Faculty Member in the Asian Studies, and Graduate Women & Gender Studies program at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. Rohini’s primary research focuses on the literatures and cultures of the Francophone Indian Ocean. When she is not teaching poetry and fiction, she attempts to write it herself. Her work has appeared with Cambridge Scholars, Caitlin Press, and Canadian Scholars and Women's Press. When not teaching or writing, Rohini serves as President of the Saint Mary's University Faculty Union and as Vice-Chair of Academic Senate. Rohini self-identifies as a woman scholar of colour.


