Being After Being Has Washed Away


  • Daze Jefferies Memorial University of Newfoundland


trans, sex work, history, water, Newfoundland


Thinking with an assemblage of Black, Indigenous, crip, decolonial, and trans feminist creative and theoretical work, this poem explores fishy felt knowledges of sex work, outmigration, colonial erasure, and archival absence in the lives of trans women from Ktaqamkuk/Newfoundland.

Author Biography

  • Daze Jefferies, Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Daze Jefferies is a multidisciplinary artist-poet-researcher from Beothuk territory in the Bay of Exploits who holds a Master of Gender Studies from Memorial University. She is co-author of Autoethnography and Feminist Theory at the Water’s Edge: Unsettled Islands (2018), and she has recent or forthcoming publications in Transgender Sex Work and Society (2018), Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies (2020), Riddle Fence: A Journal of Arts & Culture (2020), Journal of Folklore Research (2021), and The Goose: A Journal of Arts, Environment, and Culture in Canada (2021), among others. Her forthcoming poetry collection, We Hold a Body of Water Together, explores hidden histories and fishy futures of trans women and sex workers in Atlantic Canada.


