The difference a Gender Makes


  • Marceline Cook


Feminism, Social Media, Gender, Transgender, Online Experience, Internet Abuse


This article demonstrates the different ways men and women are treated online and the consequences of coming under social media attack. Through numerous examples and personal experience from the unique perspective of a transgender woman who has experienced the Internet as a man and a woman.

Cet article démontre les différentes façons dont les hommes et les femmes sont traités en ligne et les conséquences des attaques subies dans les médias sociaux. Il le fait au travers de nombreux exemples et d’expériences personnelles, selon la perspective unique d’une femme transgenre qui a fait l’expérience de l’Internet en tant qu’homme et en tant que femme.

Author Biography

  • Marceline Cook
    Marcy Cook is a writer of short stories, articles and comics. She’s also transgender advocate and diversity advisor. When not randomly slapping words together she’s asemi-professional cat wrangler with an insatiable lust for Lego, a sci-fi geek, comic book fan and avid reader. Her work has appeared in The Mary Sue, Panels, Fresh Romance and more. Follow her on Twitter: @marcyjcook


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