Critical Perspectives on Canadian Anti-Trafficking Discourse and Policy


  • Ann De Shalit Ryerson University
  • Emily van der Meulen Ryerson University


Cluster Editorial

Author Biographies

  • Ann De Shalit, Ryerson University
    Ann De Shalit is a PhD candidate in the Policy Studies program at Ryerson University. Her dissertation focuses on the impacts of Canada’s anti-trafficking policies on migrant justice. She researches and organizes around issues related to immigration enforcement, migrant labour, precarious employment, and access to health and education. She has published in the Canadian Journal of Communication and Transnational Social Review: A Social Work Journal.
  • Emily van der Meulen, Ryerson University

    Emily van der Meulen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology at Ryerson University. Her research interests focuses on the criminalization of sexual labour, prison health and harm reduction, and gender and surveillance. She has co-edited Selling Sex: Experience, Advocacy, and Research on Sex Work in Canada (with Elya M. Durisin and Victoria Love, UBC Press, 2013) and Expanding the Gaze: Gender and the Politics of Surveillance (with Robert Heynen, University of Toronto Press, 2016).


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