Just Hit Send: An Analysis of Activist Themed Email Forwards


  • Ellen Whiteman University of Alberta, conducts research in technology, telework and work-life balance. She has a complicated but close relationship with feminism(s) and has participated in both online and face-to-face activist activities.


This paper examines feminist identities and relationships to online activism. "Cyberjunk" feeds a need for activism in busy women's lives and allows a construction of identity for themselves/ourselves as feminist activists without having to put a body, or perhaps more importantly, valuable time on the line. Résumé Cet article examine les identités féministes et les relations d'activisme en ligne. "LeCyberjunk" nourrit un besoin d'activisme dans la vie de femmes occupées et permet une construction d'identité pour ellesmêmes/nous-mêmes comme activistes féministes sans avoir à y attacher un corps, ou peut-être surtout, de mettre en jeu du temps précieux.






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