Transforming and Grappling with Concepts of Activism and Feminism with Indigenous Women Artists


  • Julie Nagam York University and the University of Manitoba, is situated in multiple locations of community, race, class and identity.


This essay reflects on the multiple relations between the socially constructed terms of activism, feminism and Indigenous artists and whether such reflections connect to a larger discussion surrounding colonization, hegemonic western art practices and the lack of female Indigenous artists in the mainstream art world. Résumé Cet article est un réflexion sur les multiples relations entre les termes construits socialement d'activisme, de féminisme et d'artistes indigènes et si ce genre de réflexions se relient à une plus grande discussion sur la colonisation, les pratiques d'art occidentales hégémoniques et le manque de femmes artistes indigènes dans le monde d'art conventionnel.






Original Research