Insider/Outsider: A Feminist Introspective on Epistemology and Transnational Research


  • J. Maki Motapanyane J. Maki Motapanyane teaches in the Department of Women's Studies at Thorneloe University. She researches in the areas of women's social movements, gender and development and feminism in Africa. Her forthcoming co-edited volume is Mothering and Hip-Hop Culture.


This article reflects on the methodological politics of transnational research from an interdisciplinary feminist perspective. A doctoral study focused on South Africa and carried out in affiliation with a Canadian university serves as the point of departure in a wider discussion of ethics and collaboration in cross-cultural and transnational research endeavors. Résumé Cet article tient compte des politiques méthodologiques de la recherche transnationale à partir d'une perspective interdisciplinaire féministe. Une étude doctorale centrée sur l'Afrique du sud et effectuée en affiliation avec une université canadienne sert de point de départ dans une discussion plus large sur l'éthique et sur la collaboration dans les efforts de recherches interculturelles et transitoires.


