The Perpetuation of a Myth: The Anderson-Axworthy Affair


  • Berenice Sisler none; institutionalized. Correspondence with son-in-law and University of Manitoba archivist.


Canadian politics, women's movement, Liberal Party,



A member of the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women (CACSW) gives her account of events comprising the crisis of 1980-81. As an activist from outside Ontario, Berenice Sisler presents a different view than that of lawyers and the central Canadian women’s movement. Sisler indicated that this account was written in 1997. She referred to Edward Greenspon and Anthony Wilson-Smith (1996) as having provoked it, and wrote in ink at the bottom of the last page “February, 1997.”



Un membre du Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme (CCCSF) fait son propre récit des événements qui ont engendré la crise de 1980-1981. En tant que militante venant de l’extérieur de l’Ontario, Berenice Sisler présente une vision différente de celle des avocats et du mouvement féministe du Canada central. Sisler a indiqué que ce récit avait été rédigé en 1997. Elle a cité Edward Greenspon et Anthony Wilson-Smith (1996) comme les personnes ayant provoqué cette crise et a écrit à l’encre au bas de la dernière page « Février 1997. »

Author Biography

  • Berenice Sisler, none; institutionalized. Correspondence with son-in-law and University of Manitoba archivist.
    prominent women's movement activist


Armstrong, Sally. 1991, for the Ad Hoc Committee of Women on the Constitution. 1991. “For our sisters, for our daughters.” Videorecording. Toronto: Naruth Foundation.

Greenspon, Edward and Anthony Wilson-Smith. 1996. Double vision: The inside story of the Liberals in power. Toronto: Doubleday Canada Limited.

Sharpe, Sidney. 1994. The gilded ghetto: Women and political power in Canada. Toronto: HarperCollins.

Sisler, Berenice B. 1996. A partnership of equals: The struggle for the reform of family law in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer.






37.2 (1) - Canadian Women Challenge the Constitution: The Story Behind the Story