Canadians Denied: A Queer Diasporic Analysis of the Canadian Blood Donor


  • Omisoore Dryden OmiSoore Dryden is currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education at OISE/UT, where she is also pursuing collaborative studies in Sexual Diversity. OmiSoore's research interests include queer diaspora, technologies of Canadian nationalism and the thematics of blood.


Canadian Blood Services (CBS), through its blood donor screening process, constructs a blood donor body/subject that is framed through a series of exclusions. Using queer diasporic analysis, I explore and interrogate not only the construction of the blood donor body/subject, but also the political and legal challenges brought to this construction. Résumé La Société canadienne du sang, par son processus de présélection du sang, définit un donneur de sang /sujet, en se basant sur une série d'exclusions. En se servant de l'analyse diasporique queer, j'explore et j'interroge non seulement la construction du donneur de sang/sujet, mais aussi les défis politiques et légaux qui sont apportés à cette construction.


