Conrad, the Textbook Writer


  • Alvin Finkel ALVIN FINKEL, Athabasca University, is co-author with Marg Conrad of two volumes of History of the Canadian Peoples as well as Canada: A National History. He is also the author of a number of books including Social Policy and Practice in Canada: A History, Business and Social Reform in the Thirties, and The Social Credit Phenomenon in Alberta.


CONRAD, Margaret, WOMEN historians,


Marg Conrad, through her pioneering work on History of the Canadian Peoples, insured that feminist perspectives on Canadian history were integrated into the foundational materials that students receive in first-year Canadian survey history courses. She made clear to students the need to understand the gendered nature of social and political developments throughout Canada's history. Résumé Marg Conrad, par le biais de son travail de pionnière sur History of the Canadian Peoples, a assuré l'intégration des perspectives féministes sur l'histoire soient intégrées dans le matériel de base que les étudiantes reçoivent pour leur cours sur le sondage canadien durant leur première année d'études en histoire. Elle a bien fait comprendre aux étudiantes le besoin de com p ren d re la n atu re g en rée d u développement social et politique au cours de l'histoire du Canada.


