A Tribute to Margaret Conrad: Activist, Scholar, Feminist Pioneer


  • Bonnie Huskins BONNIE HUSKINS, University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University, is currently working on a manuscript with Michael Boudreau based on the diaries of working-class homemaker Ida Louise Martin (née Friars) of Saint John, New Brunswick, who kept daily entries from 1945-92. She is also beginning a new project on sociability, family and community amongst the first and seco nd-generation Loyalists in the Maritimes.


One of several presentations on Margaret Conrad's work and career at the 2009 Atlantic Canada Studies Conference in Charlottetown, this paper describes how Conrad applied her feminism to the writing, teaching and dissemination of history, and in the process, transformed the ways in which historians approach their profession. Résumé Une des nombreuses présentations sur le travail et la carrière de Margaret Conrad à la Conférence Atlantic Canada Studies de 2009à Charlottetown, cet article décrit comment Conrad a appliqué son féminisme dans ses oeuvres, son enseignement, et la dissémination de l'histoire, et de ce fait, a transformé les façons dont les historiennes approchent leur profession.


