Liberal Spaces: The Costs and Contradictions of Reproducing Hegemonic National Subjects in Ang Lee’s The Wedding Banquet and Brokeback Mountain


  • Sarah Olutola McMaster University


Multiculturalism, Queer Representations, Gender Representations, Feminism, Critical Race Studies, Globalization, Ang Lee, Film Analysis, Diaspora, Modernity


Focusing on director Ang Lee’s films The Wedding Banquet and Brokeback Mountain, this paper explores the ways in which Lee’s articulation of queer intimacy in liberal spaces reproduces the regulatory functions of patriarchal, late-capitalist Eurocentric discourses of modernity.

Cet article est basé sur les films The Wedding Banquet et Brokeback Mountain, du réalisateur Ang Lee, et il explore les façons dont l’intimité homosexuelle représentée par Lee dans des lieux libéraux reproduit les fonctions réglementaires des discours patriarcaux et eurocentriques de la fin du capitalisme au sujet de la modernité.

Author Biography

  • Sarah Olutola, McMaster University

    Sarah Olutola is a Nigerian Canadian currently in the process of completing her third year of PhD English in the department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. Her current research concerns representations of race in popular media culture, and Western humanitarianism with respect to Africa, both of which consider the intersection between critical race theory, post-colonialism and global capitalism.


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37.1- Transgressing Borders/Boundaries: Gendering Space and Place